The power of Qigong 氣功
The power of qigong - AZSP Healing Qigong Healing has been practiced by more than 200 million people in the world. Qigong is the Mother of Acupuncture and Tai Chi, which uses advanced breathing techniques, meditation, and movement to harness the Qi. Qigong exercise may help improve healing process, improve recovery process as well. Movements, breathing and mind Qigong practice consists of the three basic components. Body Movements skills improve posture, and precise but also dynamic body movements Breathing techniques cultivates and circulate Qi inside of you body. Refining spirit is the process of directing your thoughts and minds. Integrating the three components and balancing those in harmony is the learning and practicing Qigong. Qigong in science At least two out of the three components, breath control and movement, those increase metabolism signaficantly. It would be like high elevation training, ...