Food Healing Science

All of body compositions and body substances, including body tissues, blood, lymph, hormones, enzymes, and biochemicals, are made up from what you have eaten and what you have ingested. If a symptom or a pathological condition is due to functional deterioration; due to load on organs; due to accumulation of substances; due to long-term ingestion of certain substances in those of what you have ingested, removing those substances will alleviate or eliminate the symptom or the pathological condition. It acts like a reverse reaction to a chemical reaction.
Food Healing Science studies all symptoms and all pathological conditions based on numerous natural foods, the plant and biochemical substances contained in them, their chemical mutations, bindings, etc., and cures them completely. We will find the basis more scientifically for foodstuffs that have been found in Chinese medicine and medicinal herbs since ancient times.

Oxidation and aging

Oxidation, which is also one of the causes of aging, is a reaction in which a substance binds to oxygen or is deprived of electrons. Damage to cells due to reactive oxygen species and free radicals also occurs in the process of oxidation. These oxidation and aging can be prevented, or can be delayed by antioxidants which also remove reactive oxygen species.

Fried foods that could accelerate the oxidation of body tissues, which oil is oxidized by heat easily, become lipid peroxide. The lipid peroxide can be circulated into whole body, accumulated and stored as fat. This could oxidize and damage more cells in entire body longer period of time.
Reducing ingesting fried foods or using oils which is hard to oxidize by heat, such as rapeseeds oil, olive oil and almond oil, would reduce lipid peroxide, and reduce cell damages. Antioxidant nutrients that prevent or delay oxidation include vitamin C, vitamin E, polyphenols, minerals, and carotenoids, which are also known as effectiveness for beauty.
By reducing intake of lipid peroxides and ingesting more antioxidants, oxidation and aging can be prevented, which is very effective for your beauty and health.

Natural healing power

Many factors such as immunity-enhancing food intake, nutritional balance, moderate exercise, stress control, and sleep are sources of natural healing power. If there is progress in symptoms, and if there is enough healing power to overcome the progress, it will definitely improve the conditions. Considering that many symptoms and physiological conditions are out of balance with a healthy body, in order to return the body into the healthy state, it is necessary to get out of the unhealthy state and bring back to the healthy state. It is necessary to balance and maintain the body in the health state.

AZSP Healing & Food Healing Science

We, AZSP Healing, consider health from various scientifically aspects.
From Food Healing Science stand point, we focus on enhancing imuunity and natural healing power, prevent oxidation and aging, to improve health condition.

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